Saturday, September 1, 2012

High School coach who wrote sex book steps down

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Rich Central High School girl's basketball coach Bryan Craig. l Gary Middendorf~For Sun-Times Media

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Updated: August 31, 2012 9:44PM

The head coach of Rich Central High School?s girls varsity basketball team stepped down Friday after stunning his bosses with a self-published book that describes in graphic detail his opinion on the vaginal differences between women of different races.

Bryan Craig?s book, called ?It?s Her Fault,? also states, ?the easiest kill for a man is through the young lady with low self-esteem.?

?Please don?t tell me anymore,? said Rich Township High School District 227 School Board President Betty Owens when told of the book?s racy details by the SouthtownStar, which broke the story online Friday.

?It?s distasteful, it?s inappropriate, and it wouldn?t be on my list of things to read,? Owens said.

School board member Cheryl Coleman said the book?s content left her speechless for the first time in her life.

?It breaks my heart a little bit,? Coleman said.

District 227 Supt. Donna Simpson Leak said she has known about the book for about a week. She initially told the SouthtownStar that Craig ?has his constitutional right to free speech.?

But after the story broke, Craig was put on administrative leave from his job as a Rich Central school guidance counselor. Later Friday, he resigned as girls basketball coach.

The district now has an investigation into the 44-page book, which is being sold on for $11.95. An electronic version costs $3.95.

Craig, of Matteson, refused to talk about the book or the controversy that followed it.

?Highest caliber of man?

Last year Craig, who had led the girls basketball program since 2008, got into trouble with the IHSA after playing an ineligible transfer student. As a result, the team forfeited a majority of its regular-season wins.

Now it?s his published take on women getting him in hot water.

?The easiest kill for a man is through the young lady with low self-esteem,? Craig wrote in the book. ?Of course some will feel this is taking advantage, and yes it is. The ultimate goal for a man is to do all he can to eventually be able to commit and submit to a woman?s power.?

All men and women should be sexually promiscuous before getting married, Craig wrote. He describes in graphic detail what he perceives to be the difference in the color and texture of vaginas of women from various races and ethnicities. Based on his observations, he espouses his theory about ?why Latin women have more children.?

Craig also writes about himself.

?Even though I feel I?m beyond the highest caliber of men, I still have a weakness for cleavage,? Craig wrote. Later in the book, Craig gets more personal, writing that a woman he loved in college got pregnant, miscarried the child and then told him she was cheating on him.

?From that moment forward, I vowed to never be put in that situation, and to mind-f--- every woman I could,? Craig wrote.

He then describes a method that allows women to juggle five different partners at once. He describes the strategy as ?the A through E:? your admirer, your ultimate admirer, your counselor, your sexual release, your ideal.

In the final chapter, Craig encourages readers to enter the ?wonderful world of submissiveness.?

?He?s your man, go ahead and let him turn you every which way, let him touch your hair if he asks, real or not,? Craig wrote. ?Give him oral sex without making the ?ugh? face.?

Ex-players defend him

Two of Craig?s former players, Deanna Dudley and Senica Esco, defended him, saying he was a good mentor.

?I don?t think him expressing how he feels about his personal life, or a general topic, should mold parents? opinions about how he?s counseling at the school,? said Dudley, a forward for Craig?s team from 2008 to 2010.

Esco, a guard who graduated in 2011, said Craig probably wrote the book ?because he was bored,? and meant no harm.

?He?s male and he never came across as even thinking of that stuff,? Esco said.

But the content of Craig?s book surprised some parents ? including Esco?s guardian Dorothy Esco. Her son, Timothy Manuel, is a junior at Rich Central.

?That?s not appropriate for a high school teacher to be writing stuff like that if he still wants to teach kids and interact with young adults,? Esco said.

Sylvester Fulcher, whose son plays football for the school?s sophomore football team, said the book was inappropriate, no matter whether Craig was coaching high school boys or girls. Still, while he wasn?t comfortable with the book?s contents, Fulcher said he thought Craig has a right to write the book.

?Am I comfortable? No,? Fulcher said. ?But at the same time, I don?t think that it [should be] within our control to say that anyone who does something that?s contrary to what makes people feel comfortable with shouldn?t be able to work.?

Junior Eric Stover said Craig was his counselor his sophomore year and that he is popular among the students. He guessed that Craig wrote the book to earn some additional income: ?You gotta make your money somehow.?

Ken Levinson, a Chicago lawyer who handles freedom-of-speech cases, said it is a freedom of speech issues ? but it?s a balancing act.

?He certainly has a First Amendment right, generally speaking, for free speech and to publish his opinions,? Levinson said. ?Where there could be a balancing issue or test, (depends) on what he does with the book.

?It would be one thing if he published the book in his private life, and it would be another thing if he spoke about the book to eight-year-olds or distributed it at school,? Levinson said.

Depending on the terms of Craig?s employment, teaching or discussing anything from his book in class might be a violation of his contract, Levinson said.

What I learned at the strip club

The point of the book, Craig wrote, was to give women a ?road map to having the upper hand in a relationship with a man.?

Whether it was working as a mental health counselor at Mount Sinai Health Center in Chicago or with the Illinois Department of Children Family Services, he repeatedly told women they could control their relationships, Craig wrote.

Craig cites his experience at Rich Central in the book?s foreword, writing that he has spent most of his life ?surrounded by women.?

?I coach girls basketball, work in an office where I am the only male counselor, and am responsible for roughly 425 high school students a year, about half of whom are females,? Craig wrote. ?Suffice it to say, I have spent a considerable amount of time around, and with, the fairer sex.?

In the book, Craig also says he moonlights as a bouncer at an area strip club, and that allows him to let off steam, manage anger and irritation, and ?be nicer to my wife.? Men at the strip club spend hundreds of one-dollar bills on strippers who whisper, ?I love you,? in their ears, he wrote.

?In some cases, strippers and dancers show the overall dominance a woman can have over a man,? Craig wrote. ?Not to say that stripping is what has to be done to truly establish dominance, but these women?s mind set is in the right place in order to meet the true potential of the point of this book.?

Craig also warns against telling people too many personal details.

?Speaking of business, our biggest downfall in relationships is sharing too much information with friends or associates,? Craig said. ?In general, (read it slowly) people do not want the best for you. This is why people watch race car driving: hoping to see some one crash.?

Contributing: Phil Kadner, Tony Baranek and Stefano Esposito


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