Monday, September 17, 2012

Securing Our Minds: The Need For Brainwave Tech Standards Against Hacking

Ariel_GartenEditor?s note: Ariel Garten is the co-founder and CEO of InteraXon, a Toronto-based company that builds brainwave-enabled products and applications. In her work as a neuroscientist and entrepreneur, Ariel?s insights into how the human mind works are creating new ways for society to interact with the world ? and ourselves ? using the power of our brains. Follow her on Twitter: @ariel_garten. Last month, researchers from UC Berkeley, Oxford, and University of Geneva posted results of a joint research study suggesting hackers could hijack a brainwave-reading headset and attempt to uncover sensitive user information ? think PINs and bank information.


b.i.g 1000 words ron white ron white buckyballs buckyballs awake

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