Sunday, September 9, 2012

Family Home and Life: Grandparent's Say It Saturday



Hello everyone! I'm so glad to have you here! I am working out of town today but I will return and read all your links asap! Oh the picture above? I have no idea what that is about but it makes me smile everytime I see it. It is courtesy of Graphics Fairy. So I thought I would share it with you; what do you think; maybe it was from a vintage children's book?

We had a lovely rainy day here yesterday and it has cooled down and I'm loving it! I'm hoping it doesn't get super hot again but it just might! I've got my fingers crossed! I always get a gardening bug about this time of the year too. Let's I have time for that right now? I doubt it! Have a very Happy Grandparent's Day Sunday!
Add yourself to the Grandparent Blogger Directory if you haven't yet. If you are an 'older blogger', you are eligible here even if it is not about grand parenting; please just keep it family friendly :)


Add your link here every Saturday at Grandparent's Say It Saturday.

Please link up to?three post, not to your home page, and link that back to Family Home and Life. While you are here I hope you will visit the other linkers and come back to see who links up later. We all love comments! No Etsy shops or giveaways please. This link closes on Monday night.

Be sure to visit Lisa at Grandma's Briefs to join her linky, GRAND Social, on Mondays. Thanks for linking up with me!

I have had a lot of content theft lately. If you are reading this post anywhere else but at Family Home and Life then it was used without permission! Copyright? Family Home and Life 2012 All Rights Reserved


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