Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mending broken relationships ? Right Minded

With our senior pastor in China the next two weeks, one of our associate pastors, Mike Lee, stepped up to the plate this morning and resumed his study of Philemon. Like the last time he preached, just a few weeks ago, the topic this morning was mending broken relationships.

There are six steps to mending broken relationships:

1. Put yourself in the middle.

There are various excuses we offer for not getting in the middle:
It?s not my problem.
Who am I to judge?
I?m not qualified.

2. Express a willingness to shoulder the debt.

3. Appeal on the basis of friendship.

There are various misunderstandings about Christian friendship:
False Christian friendship is ?live and let live.?
False Christian friendship says, ?I want you comfortable.?
False Christian friendship protects the relationship.
False Christian friendship is blind to faults.

4. Bring the issue into the arena of Lordship.

Arenas that we often seek to escape:
Arena of mysticism
Arena of sociology
Arena of aviodance
Arena of denial

5. Express confidence that they will do what is right.

6. Tell them you are going to follow-up!

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