Friday, January 13, 2012

Video: Massachusetts Senate race heats up

>>> the big political story in new england is the republican primary . republican scott brown 's campaign says it's raised more than $3 million in the last three months of 2011 boosting its campaign war chest to $13 ? million. his chief rival, elizabeth warren , is poised to give brown a run for his money. join ing us is frank brown . thank you for joining us. compare this to what we've seen in the past.

>> it isn't what he had in the brief weeks when he came and got over $14 million in a couple of weeks. it shows he's accumulated a war chest that's never been seen in massachusetts at this point in campaign. he obviously has the resources to defend his senate seat. warren is also bringing in a lot of money. it's going to be a lot of cash flowing through this campaign. we'll have to watch it.

>> we talked a lot about the tone of this presidential race or the gop race in new hampshire and iowa as well. give us some perspective on the tone here. we know that elizabeth warren out spoken. you have the new book called the "obamas". it claims one of the things upsetting is to see scott brown go do victory.

>> it was devastating to the democrats that a kennedy seat had gone to a republican. also nationally, as we all know and ?internationally, it was re reverberated around the world. there's a real passion among democrats, activists in massachusetts and across the country to grab this seat back. if warren is having no trouble raising money. she raised $3.1 million which is unheard of.

>> you've got the former massachusetts democratic party chair quoted saying i've never had an easier time raising political money. it's easier than raising money for edward kennedy . that's what he said about bringing in the cash for elizabeth warren . that's incredible.

>> it is. i've covered politics in this state for 40 years. i've never seen a candidate light the woods on fire so quickly and so passionate ly as elizabeth warren . scott brown has a tiger by the tail here. he's going to have real problem holding her off.

>> thank you for your time. greatly appreciate it.


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