Monday, October 8, 2012

Time Control - Taking Control and Achieving Goals (Creating Lifestyle)

The issue of time management has been always been something mankind has been struggling with. We either have too much time and nothing to do, or too little time and too much to do. As a person who constantly strives to be better, more efficient, and more organized, I have read countless books on time management, productivity, and efficiency. After reading piles of them, I've started to see the same messages over and over again. That changed when I read this quote in a book I've recently read:

"?Time? doesn't exist of course, as a thing we can ?use?. Time is only a measurement of change

It?s a word we created to give the illusion we can control change.

We love the idea of control.

We hate change."

This quote caught my attention because it was the new, more mature understanding I had of time. As a result of reading that quote I continued the book and was glad I did. I became a little less concerned with time itself (which I can't control) and more concerned with how I spent the time managing the changes I can control. That had been the point of reading "time-management" books

Now, this book won't instantly fix all of your issues, but it will change your perspective on time and sometimes that's all that needed.

The book is only available on Amazon as an E book for the price of $1.79 and is roughly 56 pages


  • Concise: This book has just the right amount of information to inspire, instruct, and motivate you without the unessential material that is repeated in so many other "time-management" books. It does touch on issues that are covered in other "time-management" books, but it does not spend an extended amount of time. The author, Martin Gover, knows what you are looking for and doesn't stray from that.
  • Inexpensive price: At $1.79, this book is a steal! Most books that have half the insight and content charge a whole lot more!
  • Ease of Reading: The language used in the book is very conversational, yet instructive. As you read, you will feel inspired and not realize that your mindset is being opened to a new way of looking at time.

  • Tone/Organization- The only issue that readers might have trouble with is Martin Gover's organic use of language and style. Rather than a highly structured format of other "time-management" books, this books is more free-flowing in terms of language and style. In other words, it is more like an extended, fluid conversation than a lecture. For me, this was a plus, but other readers might have different views.


This book is Highly Recommended for anyone who is sick and tired of trying to "control" time from teenage to adult. I especially recommend this book if you are a fan of Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, and Leo Babuata, because the book is written in that style.


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