Thursday, June 21, 2012

Meeting Notes 06/19/2012 | Oregon DEC

Broad?way Cof?fee?house, Salem, Oregon

1. David Allen, pres?i?dent
2. Cindy Ryan, vice pres?i?dent
3. Robert Cantwell, trea?surer
4. Alli?son Baker, secretary/social media
5. Serra Acar, mem?ber?ship chair
6. Yusuf Ake?moglu, stu?dent rep?re?sen?ta?tive
7. Tim Andrews, active DEC member

To begin
Dave pro?vides overview of Early Learn?ing Coun?cil (ELC) and State Inter?a?gency Coor?di?nat?ing Coun?cil?(SICC

  • SICC last year reviewed IFSP?s through?out states par?tic?u?larly look?ing at rate of ser?vice hours from 2004 ??2010
  • Found a 54% decrease in ser?vices as of?2010.
  • Class?room ECSE ser?vices dropped from 24?19%, now at?15.9%
  • Meet?ings have typ?i?cally been held dur?ing the day, prac?ti?tion?ers unable to attend
  • Report to leg?is?la?ture due on Sep?tem?ber 30
    • As a pro?fes?sional orga?ni?za?tion, Ore?gon DEC should be inform?ing this process, (i.e., writ?ing a let?ter to ELO and?SICC)
    • We shouldn?t be afraid to be controversial


  • Tim Andrews
    • Mult?nomah Early Child?hood Pro?gram, pos?i?tive behav?ior sup?port spe?cial?ist, past DEC president,
  • Cindy Ryan
    • West?ern Ore?gon Uni?ver?sity fac?ulty, Early Child?hood Education
  • Bob Cantwell
    • Pro?gram Coor?di?na?tor, EI/ECSE Clacka?mas?ESD
  • Dave Allen
    • PSU fac?ulty and DEC president
  • Alli?son Baker
    • Doc?toral Stu?dent, EI/ECSE, UO
  • Serra Acar
    • Doc?toral Stu?dent, EI/ECSE, UO
  • Yusuf
    • Mas?ters Stu?dent, EI,?UO

Brain?storm?ing Let?ter to ELC and?SICC

Draw?ing from dis?cus?sions with EI/ECSE pro?fes?sion?als in Min?nesota, Dave sug?gests key points for the Ore?gon DEC let?ter, group dis?cus?sion fol?lows
1. Cap on case?loads, we don?t have any type of control

  • Caps in Min?nesota are as fol?lows:
    • 0?3, case?load size?12
    • 0?5, 14
    • 3?5, 16
  • Where do funds cur?rently come from
    • We have a few things in our?way?
  • Mea?sure 5, the Kicker, no sales tax (our state suf?fers from)
    • Mea?sure 5 ? Rolled back prop?erty taxes and capped amount taxes could be raised, impacted education
    • Edu?ca?tion is paid for by the gen?eral fund (instead of using prop?erty?taxes)
    • The Kicker, bud?get?ing for two years, if there is a sur?plus (over 2%) all the money goes to the peo?ple.. checks go to the peo?ple rather than back into the?fund

2. Hours of Service

  • Weekly home vis?its?EI
  • Pro?posed 20 hours a week for ECSE
    • In what type of set?tings (i.e., does this include gen?eral EC set?tings or 20 hours a week in EI/ECSE direct service)

3. Coor?di?nated Staff Train?ing (imple?men?ta?tion science/create framework)

  • Across sys?tems
    • Head Start Programs
    • Mas?ter Train?ers ?CCRR
      • EX: Fam?ily Guided Rou?tines based Inter?ven?tion
        • Train the trainer
        • We can?t just decide to ?do? fam?ily guided rou?tines based intervention

4. We need to Write Down What Chil?dren Need on?IFSP

  • No resource-based decisions

5. Minnesota?s Early Child?hood Fam?ily Edu?ca?tion Model (Cindy describes from her own experiences)

  • Money allot?ted through child?find
  • Divided into age groups, fam?i?lies and chil?dren would enroll in the course
  • Par?ent edu?ca?tor (licensed), early child?hood teacher, assis?tant teacher ? chil?dren and fam?i?lies would come in, teacher would have activ?i?ties and open?ing cir?cle, par?ents would go in with the par?ent edu?ca?tor to another room (40 min), chil?dren were in with the assis?tants doing activ?i?ties (kids of all abil?i?ties), fol?low?ing the train?ing, every?one would get back together with a clos?ing circle.
  • 3 year old pro?gram met one day a week for 2?hours
  • School readi?ness pro?gram 2?3 days a week, 2 ? hour, licensed teacher with assis?tant teach?ers and child care?aids
  • For fam?i?lies always on a slid?ing fee?scale
  • Pro?gram would run through?out the school year

6. Include Trained Interpreters

Research for Let?ter
Cap on case?loads ? Alli?son, con?tact part B and part C coor?di?na?tors across states, retrieve list from Dave
Imple?men?ta?tion Sci?ence ? Alli?son
Early Child?hood Fam?ily Edu?ca?tion ? Cindy
Home visiting/Interpreters ??Serra

- Let?ter will be drafted by Dave and put on Google Docs
? Should be sent out to Ore?gon DEC mem?bers for review by mid July, sent to ELC/SICC in August.

Putting a Face to Ore?gon DEC
Alli?son passes around re-designed mate?ri?als (e.g., fly?ers, book?marks, Face?book cards)
? Based on group approval, Alli?son will cre?ate more mate?ri?als and email PDFs to those present today.


  • Sub?scriber?ship ? get rid of it, lim?ited use
  • Go to the full mem?ber?ship
    • Remind those mem?bers who are hes?i?tant about cost to spread sub?scrip?tion across 3 months (as is an avail?able option)
  • Tim will cre?ate sur?vey about why mem?bers haven?t renewed subscriptions

Friendly Recruit?ment Competition

  • Alli?son will con?tact National DEC pres?i?dent through Ore?gon DEC Face?book regard?ing the orga?ni?za?tion of a friendly com?pe?ti?tion for state affil?i?ate mem?ber recruit?ment.
    • Per?haps pos?si?ble incen?tives could be offered for the win?ning state affiliate.

OAEYC Fall Con?fer?ence ? Help?ing with Fall Conference?

  • Frus?tra?tion with plan?ning and professionalism
  • Per?haps use the con?fer?ence for recruit?ment pur?poses, but at this time focus on Ore?gon DEC con?fer?ence in the future once mem?ber?ship has built up

Other Area Con?fer?ences for Pos?si?ble Recruitment

  • All Born In ? north?west conference
  • North?west PBIS (February/March)
    • Tim will con?tact about tabling
  • Early Head Start, Van?cou?ver Wash?ing?ton
    • Con?tact per?son, Mary?Foltz
    • Con?fer?ence July 25-26th
    • Alli?son has sent email and vol?un?teers to attend

Ideas for Build?ing Membership

  • Monthly happy hour with local members
  • Oak?shire Brew?ery, com?mu?nity night
    • Alli?son will con?tact PR/Manager Amanda Pence
  • $1 off Beer or happy hour item from local businesses

Recruit?ing Fac?ulty & Administrators

  • Serra will cre?ate mem?ber?ship pack?age to mail to poten?tial members

Addi?tion of Face?book Group to the Cur?rent Face?book?Page

  • Cre?ate group on Face?book, and then add people
  • Dave will email Alli?son the mem?ber?ship list and con?tact information


  • Serra will con?tact Nancy Latini to try and retrieve data on chil?dren in ser?vices in Oregon
  • If acquired will exam?ine with?HLM

Tan?gi?ble Incen?tives for Ore?gon DEC Membership

  • As listed on the new recruit?ment fly?ers
    • Receive pro?fes?sional journals
    • Col?lab?o?rate and part?ner with other early child?hood professionals
    • Receive updates on Ore?gon leg?isla?tive activity
    • Receive dis?counts on DEC mate?ri?als and con?fer?ence registration

Stu?dent Recruitment/Organization

  • PSU stu?dents
    • Intro?duc?tory class, talk?ing about DEC, pass?ing out mate?ri?als to students
    • Alli?son will email PDFs of materials

Big Idea Over the Next Two?Years

  • Sig?na?tures to increase fund?ing for EI ser?vices in the state of Oregon
  • Fur?ther develop the orga?ni?za?tion
    • Per?haps a con?fer?ence in the future

Next Meet?ing

  • Plan?ning for Fall event
    • Mon?day July 30, 9?12 at Broad?way Coffeehouse
    • Alli?son will reserve the room and send out reminders to board and members

Closing/Things to?Do

  • ?Dave will write a draft of the let?ter ELC/SICC
    • Alli?son, Serra, and Cindy will pass infor?ma?tion along to Dave by early July in regard to above men?tioned top?ics of interest
    • Mid July mem?bers will receive let?ter, be able to respond
    • Early August ? let?ter will be sent to ELO/SICC
  • Alli?son will send PDF mate?ri?als to all present for fur?ther dis?tri?b?u?tion
    • Fly?ers
    • Face?book recruit?ment flyers
    • Book?marks
    • Will cre?ate stick?ers and other mate?ri?als for becom?ing more visible
  • Yusuf will send Dave email as new stu?dent?rep

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