Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Can you handle long distance love? - Saltwater GIRL

Sometimes it happens that you and your boy end up in different places ? literally ? because of your careers. But that doesn?t mean things have to end. Here?s how to tell if your love can last. Image Courtesy: Tammy Jackson @www.art.swg.co.za

1. When your boyfriend?s out with his mates, how often do you call to check in during the night?

a) A few times.

b) Once, just to see if you can hear any chick voices in the background?

c) You don?t. You trust him.

2. When your guy hasn?t heard from you all day, he:

a) Might text you if he?s not busy.

b) Calls you up to say hi.

c) Usually waits another day or so before making contact.


3. When chatting about your day, your boyfriend usually:

a) Is very interested in what happened in your world.

b) Enjoys chatting about what happened at work.

c) Doesn?t say much.


4. What do you think of long distance relationships?

a) They can work if you and your guy are committed to the relationship.

b) They?re difficult.

c) They usually crash and burn.


5. When you don?t see your boyfriend for the entire weekend, you:

a) You feel resentful that he isn?t with you.

b) Try to focus on other activities, like seeing friends or doing fun hobbies.

c) Miss him like crazy!


Your score:

1. a3 b2 c1

2. a2 b1 c3

3. a1 b2 c3

4. a1 b2 c3

5. a2 b1 c3

Going the distance

You might fear the prospect of a LDR, but it seems you and your guy have some good foundations in place for making such a relationship work. You trust him, you both make the effort to keep in contact and you make time to chat/have quality time. These are important because when you?re in a long distance setup you?re going to have to rely on communication to bridge the gap. It?s also good that you have a full life outside of your relationship so that you won?t be left wondering what to do with your life when he?s gone. Remember that your relationship should never become your entire world!

Distance dilemma
Although you might have some good stuff going in your relationship, your relationship needs a bit of work if you?re going to survive a long distance setup. Sometimes you can?t help but feel that your trust issues could do with some work and you feel resentful when your partner can?t be with you. You want the relationship to be a priority but you?ve got to make sure that it is right up there on your boyfriend?s list of what he values most in his life. Get on the same page before you get on different continents.


Long distance lagger?
Your relationship needs help before you can try to make it work across continents or cities. Some things you need to have down if you want your relationship to work include solid trust, good communication and the desire to be committed to each other. Bear in mind that when you?re in different places, you?re going to have to rely on things such as technology (think Skype and social networks) in order to feel that you?re bridging the physical landscape. Set some rules for how the relationship is going to work when you?re apart from each other so that you won?t feel insecure or that you?re slipping into splitsville. It can only work if you?re both committed to it.

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