Wednesday, April 4, 2012

L&T SERVICE Leaders in Action at U.S. ... - L&T Health and Fitness

Posted by L&T Health and Fitness on 03 Apr 2012 /
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On April 2, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Business Civic Leadership Center hosted an event for ?National Workplace Wellness Week.? The event, ?Innovations in Workplace and Community Wellness,? will address the state of workplace wellness programs with an emphasis on highlighting new trends, challenges, and opportunities to improve health and wellness while also exploring how employers are partnering with community organizations to impact lifestyle choices for preventing and/or managing diseases in a cost-effective manner.

As businesses struggle to comply with the myriad of new health care reform requirements and experience the rising costs of providing health insurance coverage, they continue to value workplace wellness programs as vitally important mechanisms to improve health and control costs. These programs keep employees healthy and studies demonstrate that healthier employees are more productive at work.

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