Thursday, May 26, 2011

U.S. Black Swans: It Can Go Wrong? It Will.

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May 22, 2011
A Strong Dollar Isn't Always a Good Thing
Christina Romer, NY Times
AT a recent news conference, Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, was asked about the falling dollar. He parried the question, saying that the Treasury secretary was the government?s spokesman on the exchange rate... more ??
Sometimes people ask me: If the gold standard is so great, why aren't we using it right now?This is a good question. The basic answer is that it would prevent central bankers, and governments, from doing something they have... more ??
When the political history of the last 30 years is written, scholars will no doubt describe a rightward revolution that jolted this country out of its embrace of New Deal, big-government progressivism and into a love affair... more ??
May 22, 2011
CA's Crisis: Like the Nation's, Only More So
George Will, Washington Post
In 1967, five years after California became the most populous state, novelist Wallace Stegner said that California ? energetic, innovative, hedonistic ? was America, ?only more so.? Today, this... more ??
May 22, 2011
D.C. Needs Solution to Troubling Economy
Robert Reich, SF Chronicle
Who's minding the store?All over Capitol Hill, Republicans and Democrats are feverishly debating how to cut the long-term budget deficit.But if you don't mind my asking, what about the economy? I'm not talking about the economy... more ??




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