Wednesday, August 29, 2012

AB Diamond ? Your Internet Home Based Business and Your Mindset

internet home based business

Working toward building a successful internet home based business has so much to do with setting goals and taking actions. You need to set short term reachable goals that you can take immediate and concrete actions. You also need to have long term goals that you are working to obtain.
One of the things I?ve been learning lately has to do with the idea of having the right mindset. It is vital that you develop the right mindset in order to be successful in an internet home based business. But saying you are going to develop the right mindset is easy. But actually altering your existing mindset requires much more effort.
One of the advantages of tying yourself into an MLM program or purchasing an affiliate product, is that they are often specifically designed to train you how to change your mindset. There are also plenty of books on that deal with the mindset issue.
Changing your mindset is something that I have discussed briefly before. I have spoken about the need to move from an employee to an entrepreneurial mindset. But actually changing your mindset is a process that can be difficult and requires personal commitment. It is sort of like going through personal therapy. But again, it is necessary in order to achieve your goals and be successful at your internet home based business.

I suggest you find some help on the issue. Recently I was able to watch a recorded webinar by Rob Fore that provided some important insights into the psychology of the conscious and unconscious mind that is keeping us from attaining goals that we truly consciously belief we want to attain.
I accessed the training through my membership to MyLeadSystemPro, a program which I highly recommend if you are either beginning, planning to begin, or struggling in your internet home based business. I am finding that MLSP is a very useful way to improve our chances of success in our other internet endeavors. I?m involved in a couple of MLM programs and I find that MLSP builds on some of the concepts I learned in Mike Dillard?s book and program, ?Magnetic Sponsoring?, which I truly believe is required reading and the first step toward success in an internet home based business.
But back to the issue of mindset, the were some very important issues pointed out by Rob Fore as to why we often don?t achieve the goals that we set and consciously truly desire to achieve. You see by understanding how the conscious and unconscious minds work you begin to see that it is not as simple as consciously setting goals and then taking actions to achieve them.

The unconscious mind and your internet home based business

The unconscious mind is extremely powerful and has a lot to do with our ability to achieve our conscious goals and desires. The unconscious mind is programed by past events and feelings that can present roadblocks to achieving what the conscious mind thinks it wants, no matter how strongly we believe we want something or how hard we work to reach those goals.
It is necessary to actively work to reprogram our unconscious mind to eliminate these roadblocks that it has set. You also need to understand that the unconscious mind sets up these roadblocks in an effort to protect us based on some limiting past experience or event. Our unconscious mind is concerned with our survival and will kick in to protect us from repeating past negative experiences and feelings. This can make it impossible to achieve success today in your internet home based business.
So Rob Fore explains this much better than I can, and offers a technique to overcome these unconscious roadblocks that limit our ability to achieve our goals. It has a lot to do with why so many people who set goals self-sabotage their efforts and fail. I know I have a lifetime history of self-sabotage and I?m grateful that I found this information to help me overcome these unconscious roadblocks. It has allowed me to change my mindset and has made personal success in my internet home based business achievable.
I?m not sure if the webinar is available on uTube. But I know you get it in the back office of MSLP. The value of this webinar and the techniques it presents makes joining MyLeadSystemPro a bargain. It gives you a fighting chance at altering your mindset and achieving the success you desire in your own ?internet home based business?.

Do you have the right mindset for success in your internet home based business?

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