Saturday, March 3, 2012

Personal Development Tool ? Goal Setting

In the back of every person?s mind, he has a clear vision of what he wants to be. There is a perfect world hidden somewhere in the recesses of the collective brain. An elucidation of this is simply that every person has this innate drive to improve himself and the world around him. Tap into that vision to find your goal. Then take steps to make it a reality. This is easier than it seems. What not everybody knows is that there are personal development tools that one can utilize in pursuit of that goal. These are real life techniques that include time management, planning, affirmation or auto-suggestion, visualization, measuring progress, and goal setting.

Setting goals is the first and most important tool to learn when embarking on a personal development plan. It is the single most significant technique of them all. In fact, it is the most natural thing in the world to have goals.

It is what makes us move and do things. This pursuit for something is what keeps us up and about in our daily lives; whether it is something material, spiritual, or emotional. The problem lies in making up our minds and sticking to that one goal. The mind has never been known to be constant. Each moment of the day we are thinking of new and different things, shifting our perspectives, formulating new opinions. Not having an aim equates to action without purpose. This is a waste of energy, of time, and of the infinite possibilities of human potential. It is why knowledge of these personal development tools is important. Sifting through all the different and inconstant thoughts and then choosing one goal to concentrate on is the meaning of goal setting. Focusing your mind on this one goal is the first step in the journey that is personal development. After this come the other tools that are the visualization, the affirmation, the time management and planning, and then the measuring of progress.

All of these personal development tools are ways of organizing the mind. When the mind is organized, then a person?s actions will be organized. It is a case of mind over matter, of self-affirmation or auto suggestion or creative visualization, to make thoughts and wishes a reality. This is the key and the secret to apersonal development plan. Advancement and progress towards that reality will have to be focused on a direction. A person must then identify his aims, his aspirations in life, or his goals. When the mind is focused on a goal, just imagine what can be achieved. In imagining, one has then moved on to the next step, this is visualization. But first, the goal must be clear. A goal can be as simple as waking up early every morning or as ambitious as changing the world. It can be about getting rich, achieving inner peace, being a success in your chosen field, having everything that you want; happiness, friendship, love. All the possible human aspirations you can think of can be achieved by first setting the goal. The most ambitious goals would then be quite possible with the use of the personal development tools mentioned above.

For more information on this and other topics for personal development, goal setting, planning and much more, go to


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