Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kim Kardashian: Not in Mood for Mexican Billboard

Typically, Kim Kardashian is fine with anything south of the border. But only if it makes her money.

Hence the reality star's anger over a billboard in Mexico, located just south of California, that features a photo of Kim in a bikini and the words: "No arriesgue su belleza, ni su salud." Translation: Don't risk your beauty or your health.

Kim Board

As TMZ reports, however, the doctor behind this sign never asked permission to use Kim's likeness, responding to a question over that illegal maneuver by simply telling the site "Obviously I did not speak to Kim Kardashian. I do not have her number," and then hanging up when informed of why he violated the law.

Kim's legal team is on the case, which means this large-breasted former sex tape star is now involved in yet another feud.

She continues to go at it with Kris Humphries over their divorce, and finds herself in war of words with Jon Hamm.


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