Thursday, June 27, 2013

Obama's Climate Change Agenda a Solution in Search of a Problem

Yahoo News asked voters to comment on President Barack Obama's climate change plan, which he largely unveiled in a speech on Tuesday. Here's one response.

COMMENTARY l When the president delivered a speech detailing his latest assault on climate change, he presented a solution in search of a problem. Despite his insistence, which approached Al Gore levels of silliness, that the science of global warming is settled, President Obama is wide of the mark on his facts.

As Forbes pointed out recently, the rise in global temperatures stopped in the late 1990s and has not resumed since even though 100 billion tons of carbon have been pumped into the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010.

The president also intends to double down on his green energy folly, supporting alternative energy technologies before they are ready for the marketplace. The embarrassment of Solyendra has clearly not cooled his enthusiasm for environmentally correct boondoggles.

His insistence that energy efficiency standards be imposed on appliances and cars by government fiat completes the folly.

President Obama's environmental/green energy agenda has already failed the test of the democratic process. Even when Congress was controlled entirely by Democrats, it recoiled from passing cap and trade. So the president intends to use executive orders and the regulatory process to get his way no matter what Congress or the people think.

The result of all of this, if not stopped, will be a punch in the gut to the weak economy, a loss of jobs, and all for no purpose whatsoever except, as an adviser stated according to the Weekly Standard, to wage a "war on coal."


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