Monday, May 28, 2012

Give Back: Dawn?s care package for the troops in Afghanistan

My hubby has done 3 tours in Iraq and they love these packages. He never got one, but I sent them to troops that didn?t have family. The most requested items were: Jerky/nuts, wipes and medicinal remedies ie: cough/cold, salonpas, ibuprofen, foot powder. Afganistan is probably the same as Iraq: they don?t launder with soap, it wasn?t allowed?bedding/clothes get stinky and oily fast. Gross! So, they definitely need trial size items to keep clean and fresh all day long, no matter where they?re headed. Sent old pillowcases too, so they could just burn them. Spray deodorant made it intact (send in ziplock), so they can keep swampy feeling free. Another good one, those free snapwear/ziplock type containers us couponers get. Rodents and creepy crawlers. So proud of our troops and all they do.


iraq war over maurice jones drew megyn kelly richard hamilton richard hamilton paris jackson paris jackson

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