Friday, December 2, 2011

Former Paraguay guerilla Marciano Villagra dies (AP)

ASUNCION, Paraguay ? A former guerrilla who battled two of Paraguay's military-led governments has died at age 93.

Marciano Villagra led Paraguay Communist Party guerrillas in various actions, including the brief takeover of the town of Piribebuy in 1947. He went into hiding after Gen. Alfredo Stroessner took power in 1954.

His daughter Irina Villagra said he died Monday from general infections.

Party leader Luis Casabianca said Villagra died in his home in the Asuncion neighborhood of Sajonia without ever finding the bodies of his son Derlis and brother Americo, who disappeared during Stroessner's reign. Villagra received the equivalent of about $50,000 in 2008 as indemnification for his persecution.


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