Saturday, September 10, 2011

I love you, Mom (ovarian cancer awareness guest post). | MizFitOnline

September is ovarian cancer awareness month.

This cause is very near and dear to my heart because I lost my Mother seven years ago due to ovarian cancer. Her cancer was a blessing and a curse all at the same time. ?Here is her story:

The week before Christmas, 1997, my Mother ended up in the emergency room in immense pain from what she thought was pleurisy. She had been sick with the flu and was concerned she may be getting pneumonia. This was not the case, the doctors upon doing x-rays of her chest found several masses. Unsure what these masses were they decided to do exploratory surgery.? When the surgeon came out we were informed that she had cancer and it had spread throughout her entire body. You see that?s the thing about ovarian cancer, its quiet and sneaky.

We were told that she had maybe six months to live.

My Mother on the other hand was not given a time frame. When she woke up and found out she had cancer she told the doctor she didn?t want to know how long she had, she only wanted to know what she needed to do to fight it, and fight she did! She had surgery to remove what they could and began chemotherapy immediately.

She spent the next four years undergoing chemotherapy treatments. She baffled her doctors and showed them what ?6 months? could be.?? This time was a gift from God.

Ultimately six months turned into seven years. During those seven years she and I went from having almost no relationship to having one of the best relationships any Mother and Daughter could have.

She became my best friend.

Her positive attitude allowed her to survive and even thrive well past what doctors expected. She never gave up, and when the end did draw near she was at peace with it. ?While I deeply miss her now, her cancer was a bittersweet blessing in disguise. Had she not gotten sick we may have never worked on our relationship.

Ovarian Cancer is one of the hardest cancers to test for.

This is why it is so important that as women we get our regular checkups with our gynecologist.

Had my Mother?s cancer been found earlier it may not have cost her her life.


Peace, Love and happy Blogging


Tags: ovarian cancer awareness month


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