Friday, September 30, 2011

New research promises better collection of prostate cancer cells

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Posted: Sep 26th, 2011

Posted: Sep 28th, 2011
New research promises better collection of prostate cancer cells
(Nanowerk News) microTAS 2011 conference, the premier international event for reporting research in microfluidics, nanotechnology and detection technologies for life science and chemistry, University of Cincinnati researchers will present a simple, low-cost, method for separating and safely collecting concentrated volumes of fragile prostate cancer cells.
The research results resolve the critical technical challenge of isolating and collecting fragile cells, specifically rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) that are present in the blood in very low concentrations ? as low as one cell in 100,000.
Normally, the isolation and collection of such cells is complicated and relies on the availability of biological markers on the cells; whereas, the method developed at UC ? using inertial microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technology ? is simple, relying only on cell size for separation. UC has already obtained a provisional patent for the new inertial microfluidics device and is in the process of obtaining a full patent.
At the Fifteenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (microTAS) to be held Oct. 2-6, in Seattle, Wash., the research will be presented in papers titled "Extraction and Enrichment of Rare Cells in a Simple Inertial Microfluidic Device" and "Sorting Human Prostate Epithelial (HPET) Cells in an Inertial Microfluidic Device."
Device Concept Schematic for Straight-Channel Inertial Miccrofluidics
Device concept schematic for straight-channel inertial miccrofluidics. Lift and shear forces focus cells before the expansion or "crossroads." This balance is disrupted in the expansion region, leading to size-based cell trapping in the expansion. (Image: Ian Papautsky, University of Cincinnati)
The first paper is by UC researchers Jian Zhou, engineering doctoral student, Premkumar Vummidi Giridhar, environmental health postdoctoral fellow; Susan Kasper, associate professor of environmental health; and Ian Papautsky, associate professor of engineering and director of both the BioMicroSystems Lab and the Micro/Nano Fabrication Engineering Research Center at UC. The second paper is presented by Nivedita Nivedita, doctoral student in engineering, and by Giridhar, Kasper and Papautsky.
Kasper has been investigating the cancer stem cell properties of HPET cells and began collaborating with Papautsky to characterize prostate cancer stem cells and determine the manner in which these cells survive in the circulation and metastasize to their target organs such as bone. "Prostate cancer cells are a challenge to collect because they appear quite fragile and are present in very small numbers in the blood. If we damage them in the collection process, they are not viable for experimentation and the development of more effective strategies to combat this disease," Kasper adds.
Inertial microfluidic lab-on-a-chip devices ? whether based on a straight or a spiral channel ? take advantage of hydrodynamic (liquid in motion) forces acting on cells or particles within laminar flow (fluid flows in parallel layers). These forces cause cells to equilibrate in streams near channel walls. The equilibrium positions of focused cells are strongly dependent on cell size, as well as flow properties and channel geometry. In spiral microchannels, these inertial forces can be influenced by centrifugal forces, adding additional control over the position of the focused streams of cells.
Size Dependence of Particle Trapping
This image shows the size dependence of particle trapping using fluorescent particles. The superimposed fluorescent image indicates trapping of larger particles (blue rings) while smaller particles (yellow rings) pass through. (Image: Ian Papautsky, University of Cincinnati)
UC's work with inertial microfluidics ? both spiral and straight channel ? is unusual because, up until now, it has proven difficult to separate cells without the introduction of external electric or magnetic forces or using immunoselection.
In spiral-channel lab-on-chips, a sample is introduced at the center of the spiral channel. Before the cells reach the end of the spiral, the cells focus into individual steams and are separated. Papautsky previously developed these chips for separating blood and other cell types at high throughput.
However, while successful, spiral chips are not able to separate out cells present in blood in extremely low concentrations, as is the case with prostate cells. This led him to explore inertial chips with straight channel geometries.
In a straight-channel inertial chip, a sample is introduced into a channel (with the diameter of a human hair) by means of a syringe. Before the cells reach the "crossroads" or "expansion" in the channel, lift and shear forces balance and focus cells into distinct groups near the sidewalls. This balance is disrupted at the "expansion" or "crossroads" and the larger cells, prostate cancer cells in this case, experience lateral velocity ? in other words, move sideways into the expansions where they are trapped for later use in experimentation.
This straight-channel method can be used to effectively isolate and collect cells and particles with a concentration as low as one cell per milliliter of blood.
According to UC's Papautsky, "The flow rate and channel geometry are critical to the method. We need to get the flow rate right so that the cells will separate out. We want to control the lift and shear forces that stem from the flow rate ? enough to cull out and collect the cancer cells but to avoid damaging them."
While UC's experiments with inertial microfluidics focused on separating and concentrating prostate cancer cells, the approach is broadly applicable to other cell types and sizes. Working closely with Kasper, the Papautsky's group has already tested a number of other cell lines in these inertial microfluidic devices, including DU-145 cells (derived from brain metastasis) and LNCaP cells (derived from left supraclavicular lymph node). The simple planar structure of the devices and the passive mechanism of separation make them an easy-to-use tool for cell biologists, and affords integration with existing lab-on-a-chip systems.




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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Poll: Young people say online meanness pervasive

Catherine Devine, 22, reads instant messages on her laptop screen at her home in Kings Park, N.Y., Monday, Sept. 26, 2011. Devine had her first brush with an online bully in seventh grade, before she'd even ventured onto the Internet. A new Associated Press-MTV poll of youth in their teens and early 20s finds that most of them _ 56 percent _ have been the target of some type of online taunting, harassment or bullying, a significant increase over just two years ago. (AP Photo/Kathleen Malone-Van Dyke)

Catherine Devine, 22, reads instant messages on her laptop screen at her home in Kings Park, N.Y., Monday, Sept. 26, 2011. Devine had her first brush with an online bully in seventh grade, before she'd even ventured onto the Internet. A new Associated Press-MTV poll of youth in their teens and early 20s finds that most of them _ 56 percent _ have been the target of some type of online taunting, harassment or bullying, a significant increase over just two years ago. (AP Photo/Kathleen Malone-Van Dyke)

Catherine Devine, 22, reads instant messages on her laptop screen at her home in Kings Park, N.Y., Monday, Sept. 26, 2011. Devine had her first brush with an online bully in seventh grade, before she'd even ventured onto the Internet. A new Associated Press-MTV poll of youth in their teens and early 20s finds that most of them _ 56 percent _ have been the target of some type of online taunting, harassment or bullying, a significant increase over just two years ago. (AP Photo/Kathleen Malone-Van Dyke)

Catherine Devine, 22, reads instant messages on her laptop screen at her home in Kings Park, N.Y., Monday, Sept. 26, 2011. Devine had her first brush with an online bully in seventh grade, before she'd even ventured onto the Internet. A new Associated Press-MTV poll of youth in their teens and early 20s finds that most of them _ 56 percent _ have been the target of some type of online taunting, harassment or bullying, a significant increase over just two years ago. (AP Photo/Kathleen Malone-Van Dyke)

Chart shows reponse to survey question related to online harassment

(AP) ? A new Associated Press-MTV poll of youth in their teens and early 20s finds that most of them ? 56 percent ? have been the target of some type of online taunting, harassment or bullying, a slight increase over just two years ago.

A third say they've been involved in "sexting," the sharing of naked photos or videos of sexual activity. Among those in a relationship, 4 out of 10 say their partners have used computers or mobile phones to abuse or control them.

Three-fourths of the young people said they consider these darker aspects of the online world, sometimes broadly called "digital abuse," a serious problem.

They're not the only ones.

President Barack Obama brought students, parents and experts together at the White House in March to try to confront "cyberbullying." The Education Department sponsors an annual conference to help schools deal with it. Teen suicides linked to vicious online bullying have caused increasing worry in communities across the country.

Conduct that rises to the point of bullying is hard to define, but the AP-MTV poll of youth ages 14 to 24 showed plenty of rotten behavior online, and a perception that it's increasing. The share of young people who frequently see people being mean to each other on social networking sites jumped to 55 percent, from 45 percent in 2009.

That may be partly because young people are spending more time than ever communicating electronically: 7 in 10 had logged into a social networking site in the previous week, and 8 in 10 had texted a friend.

The Internet didn't create the turmoil of the teen years and young adulthood ? romantic breakups, bitter fights among best friends, jealous rivalries, teasing and bullying. But it does amplify it. Hurtful words that might have been shouted in the cafeteria, within earshot of a dozen people, now can be blasted to hundreds on Facebook.

"It's worse online, because everybody sees it," said Tiffany Lyons, 24, of Layton, Utah. "And once anything gets online you can't get rid of it."

Plus, 75 percent of youth think people do or say things online that they wouldn't do or say face to face.

The most common complaints were people spreading false rumors on Internet pages or by text message, or being downright mean online; more than a fifth of young people said each of those things had happened to them. Twenty percent saw someone take their electronic messages and share them without permission, and 16 percent said someone posted embarrassing pictures or video of them without their permission.

Some of these are one-time incidents; others cross into repeated harassment or bullying.

Sameer Hinduja, a cyberbullying researcher, said numerous recent studies taken together suggest a cyberbullying victimization rate of 20 to 25 percent for middle and high school students. Many of these same victims also suffer from in-person abuse. Likewise, many online aggressors are also real-world bullies.

"We are seeing offenders who are just jerks to people online and offline," said Hinduja, an associate professor of criminal justice at Florida Atlantic University and co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center.

And computers and mobile phones increase the reach of old-fashioned bullying.

"When I was bullied in middle school I could go home and slam my door and forget about it for a while," said Hinduja. "These kids can be accessed around the clock through technology. There's really no escape."

"Sexting," or sending nude or sexual images, is more common among those over 18 than among minors. And it hasn't shown much increase in the past two years. Perhaps young people are thinking twice before hitting "send" after publicity about adults ? even members of Congress ? losing their jobs over sexual images, and news stories of young teens risking child pornography charges if they're caught.

Fifteen percent of young people had shared a nude photo of themselves in some way or another; that stood at 7 percent among teens and 19 percent among young adults. But almost a fourth of the younger group said they'd been exposed to sexting in some way, including seeing images someone else was showing around. And 37 percent of the young adults had some experience with "sexting" images.

Many young people don't take sexting seriously, despite the potential consequences.

Alec Wilhelmi, 20, says girlfriends and girls who like him have sent sexual messages or pictures ? usually photos of bare body parts that avoid showing faces. Once a friend made a sexual video with a girl, and showed Wilhelmi on his mobile phone.

Not all who send photos are doing so voluntarily, however. Half of those who have posted naked photos, including almost two-thirds of women in this group, say they felt pressured to do so.

Likewise, technology can facilitate dating abuse. Nearly three in 10 young people say their partner has checked up on them electronically multiple times per day or read their text messages without permission. Fourteen percent say they've experienced more abusive behavior from their partners, such as name-calling and mean messages via Internet or cellphone.

The AP-MTV poll was conducted Aug. 18-31 and involved online interviews with 1,355 people ages 14-24 nationwide. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.

The poll is part of an MTV campaign, "A Thin Line," aiming to stop the spread of digital abuse.

The survey was conducted by Knowledge Networks, which used traditional telephone and mail sampling methods to randomly recruit respondents. People selected who had no Internet access were given it for free.


Associated Press Deputy Director of Polling Jennifer Agiesta, AP Global Director of Polling Trevor Tompson and AP News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.



Associated Press


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Ants build nest-venting turrets

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Ants build nest-venting turrets
A species of ant that lives in Paraguay and builds gigantic nests creates turrets specifically to ventilate its home, scientists find.

Source: BBC News
Posted on: Tuesday, Sep 27, 2011, 8:06am
Views: 22


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jackson appeared drunk at news conference: lawyer (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) ? Michael Jackson was unconscious backstage before a London news conference for his "This Is It" concert series, and he appeared drunk during the announcement itself, an attorney said in court on Monday.

The revelation came during a hearing in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Jackson's former physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, a day before opening arguments are scheduled to start.

Murray's defense lawyers wanted a video of the news conference shown to jurors in the trial, but the judge in the case ruled against it. The defense team is widely expected to argue Jackson was a drug addict whose habits led to his death.

Nareg Gourjian, an attorney for Murray, said in court on Monday that the "Thriller" singer's March 2009 news conference in London to announce a series of concerts in the city began 90 minutes late because "Jackson was unconscious on the sofa."

Gourjian said Jackson appeared "hung over," citing the chief executive of concert promoter AEG Live which was organizing the shows. He argued it was "readily apparent from watching the video that Mr. Jackson was under the influence."

But Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, who is presiding over Murray's trial, ruled against showing the tape to jurors. Pastor said the video was irrelevant because it occurred months before Jackson died.

Pastor also denied a request by prosecutors to present evidence that investigators sought four times to contact Murray, after the doctor met with Los Angeles police detectives two days following Jackson's death.

The involuntary manslaughter case against Murray stems from Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, at age 50. Medical examiners determined Jackson died of an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol and sedatives.

Prosecutors said Murray caused Jackson's death by giving him propofol as a sleep aid at the singer's Los Angeles mansion and not properly monitoring him.

Murray has pleaded not guilty, and his defense attorneys are expected to seek to show Jackson administered a fatal dose himself while Murray was out of the room.

Attorneys for both sides are scheduled to begin opening arguments on Tuesday before a jury of seven men and five women. Murray faces a maximum of four years in prison if convicted.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How To Obtain A Federal Pupil Loan | Articles Bright

College pupils in require of financial aid have two choices for borrowing money: federal and private loans. Federal loans are much more desirable, as they have lower interest rates. To be able to qualify for federal loans, a pupil must complete the FAFSA. The FAFSA is a detailed application that need to be finished annually.

A Perkins Loan is a kind of financial aid accessible to students. The federal loans need to be repaid after graduation or on finish of the courses. There are other types financial aid available, including a private student loan, that can be applied for through the FAFSA form which is available on-line and at local colleges.

It?s easy to apply for a Work-Study Program. Once an individual fills out their FAFSA, they will have a choice to check for interest in a Work-Study Program. If a person does accept work-study, it will affect their financial aid mainly because they?ll get less loans and/or grants. Most individuals prefer work-study programs mainly because later they will not need to repay any loans.

A work-study program is a form of financial aid that pays for school tuition via piece time work. A work-study program makes use of pupils at participating institutions where they?re already approved, and from there their tuition is repaid. You are able to apply for a work-study program through the Free Application for Federal Pupil Assist(FAFSA) or to apply to non-federal programs, through the school.

To apply for a Perkins loan, it is essential to complete the Totally free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is the way to apply for all types of federal loans and you must fill it out to receive any financial aid for the government. By completing the FAFSA, you?re applying for a Perkins student loan.

Several pupils cannot afford the rising costs of a university education. To assist them pay for university, a pupil might have to take out a student loan. You will find two primary kinds: private loans and federal loans. To be able to receive federal loans, pupils have to complete the FAFSA and contact their financial aid office.

With several types of financial assistance available, there is a technique accessible for almost everyone. When deciding to enter university, a student?s first step should be to apply for FAFSA. This application process could go over a person?s circumstances and try to locate a student loan, for example federal loans, that can assist pay for university.


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Monday, September 26, 2011

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The Second solution is a website called Kindle Ebooks Online, this site has an enourmous online library of over 40,000 ebooks which members have unmetered access to, so once a member you are able to download the whole library and never pay more than the one off membership fee of just $39. I cannot recommend this site enough as i get access to all the newest books and bestsellers and all i have paid si my one off fee. I have already saved hundreds of dollars because i read several books a month and i save more everytime i download a new book. The best thing about this site also is the lifetime membership as it means great value and i dont need to worry about paying monthly fees liek other websites and services.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Low-cost And Dependable Website Internet hosting

This article has been viewed 21 times.

Many internet business homeowners marvel if it is potential to search out low-cost webhosting with out having to sacrifice a lot wanted features for their business. With so many selections for internet hosting available right now it may be very confusing for individuals doing enterprise son the web to get the data that they should determine if low cost website hosting is an efficient alternative for his or her website.

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You want to actually pay attention to the quantity of bandwidth that an online internet hosting company allows you when you are on the lookout for low cost internet hosting. Nothing can be worse then having your website go down for going over your allowed bandwidth. This is a wonderful approach to loose both current customers as well as potential new customers.

So Whereas there may be nothing unsuitable with spend a nice amount for hosting for your web site many business homeowners will discover that cheap hosting matches the needs of their online enterprise perfectly. A quick Internet search will point you within the route of where to start out searching for low cost internet hosting.

If you need added facts about cpanel hosting, stop by Hadley R Sigeranitz?s web site soon.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

DICE revela que har?n falta dos tarjetas GTX580 para disfrutar Battlefield 3 en Ultra [OMFG!]

Desde ?DICE, Suecia, ya preparan el lanzamiento de la esperada beta, del por muchos, anhelado Battlefield 3. Mientras tanto el Community Manager de DICE, Daniel Matros se ha?comunicado?a?trav?s?de su Twitter para responder una serie de preguntas sobre el videojuego, reconociendo en la red social sus elevados (estratosf?ricos) requisitos gr?ficos para funcionar al m?ximo de sus opciones visuales de rendimiento.

?ste, al ser preguntado por los requisitos ya anunciados hace s?lo unos d?as contest? que:

?Los requisitos recomendados, generalmente, son para disfrutar del juego en el nivel de gr?ficos Medium?.

Luego de esto, el miembro del estudio fue consultado si?necesitar?amos?una o ?dos tarjetas gr?ficas GTX580, de las m?s potentes del mercado, para hacer funcionar el juego en los niveles visuales Ultra. Matros atin? a responder un?r?pido??2?

Pero hay que?recordar?que esto ya?sucedi??otras veces, como el caso de los desarrolladores de Metro 2033, 4A Games, que tambi?n sobrevaloraron los requisitos de su t?tulo, de?igual?forma lo hicieron 2K Games con Mafia II, por el cual se refirieron que se?necesitar?a?una tarjeta dedicada a Physx solamente para correr las ?F?sicas? del juego, lo cual finalmente en ninguno de los dos casos anteriormente mencionados fue as?.

Cabe esperar que esto s?lo sea una estrategia de Marketing de la empresa Nvidia para promocionar sus productos.


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Friday, September 23, 2011

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Penguins identify mates, kin by smell, study finds

CHICAGO | Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:01pm EDT

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Penguins can sniff out the odor of lifelong mates, helping them reunite in crowded colonies, and also can identify the scent of close kin to avoid inbreeding, scientists said on Wednesday.

Some seabirds have previously been known to use their sense of smell to find food or locate nesting sites but the experiments with captive Humboldt Penguins at Brookfield Zoo near Chicago proved, for the first time, that the birds use scent to discriminate between close relatives and strangers.

"Other animals do it, we do it, so why can't birds?" said Jill Mateo, a biopsychologist at the University of Chicago, who worked with graduate student Heather Coffin on the research published in the journal PLoS ONE.

"Their sense of smell can help them find their mates and perhaps choose their mates," Mateo said.

"Seafaring birds that travel long distances in the ocean use odors to find food and use odors to recognize nests but we didn't know what odors or the extent to which they could use odors to recognize kin," Mateo said.

"This was the first study to show they can use odor to recognize genetic differences," she said.

Researchers worked with two groups of endangered Humboldt Penguins raised at the zoo, totaling 22 birds. Their behavior was recorded as the birds examined scents emitted by oil from the birds' preening glands. The gland near the bird's tail excretes oil used to keep them clean but also has an olfactory purpose.

In one experiment, penguins with mates preferred the comfort of their mates' scent over the scents of unfamiliar penguins. In another, penguins without mates spent twice as long investigating unfamiliar penguins' scents than those belonging to their close relatives.

"In all sorts of animals that we study, including human babies, novel odors, novel cues, are investigated longer than less-novel cues," Mateo said.

Scent is used by many species to attract mates, or to avoid mating with relatives, she said.

For Humboldt penguins, which nest on Peruvian cliffs and spend long periods foraging at sea, odor acts as an identifier when they return to colonies crowded with thousands of birds nesting in cracks and crevices.

"It's important for birds that live in large groups in the wild, like penguins, to know who their neighbors are so that they can find their nesting areas and also, through experience, know how to get along with the birds nearby," said animal behavior expert Dr. Jason Watters of the Chicago Zoological Society, which operates Brookfield Zoo.

"It could also be true that birds may be able to help zoo matchmakers in determining potential mates," Watters said.

"You could imagine that if (naturalists) were trying to reintroduce birds to an area, you could first treat the area with an odor the birds were familiar with. That would make them more likely to stay," he said.

(Editing by Bill Trott)


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Woman gives birth aboard flight from Philippines

A woman gives birth to a healthy baby boy on a flight from the Philippines to San Francisco. KNTV's Traci Grant reports.

By Joy Jernigan, senior travel editor

UPDATED 9 a.m. PDT: A woman gave birth to a healthy baby boy aboard a Philippine Airlines flight from Manila to San Francisco on?Monday, the airline said in a news release.

?Aida Alamillo, 41, a passenger aboard Flight 104, told NBC-TV affiliate KNTV?that she was due to give birth Sept. 28 but was cleared to fly by her doctor in the Philippines and Philippine Airlines medical personal. ??

Alamilllo said she never expected to go into labor on the plane. She was traveling with her 13-year-old son, whom she said alerted flight attendants that she was experiencing contractions. She was led to a private spot in a business class cabin on the plane's upper deck, where she gave birth at 3:25 p.m. PDT with the assistance of three nurses on board and several cabin crew members just a few hours before the plane landed.

In her flight incident report, flight purser Antonia Casta?eda described the newborn as having "good skin color." She wrote that the baby gave a "loud cry" upon?his birth, prompting a cheer from passengers,?and shortly thereafter "started to breast feed."?Philippine Airlines'?cabin crew are trained in safety procedures, including handling in-flight childbirths.

Alamillo, now a mother of four, said that although this was her most unusual delivery, it was the easiest. ?It?s like 15 minutes,? she said.

San Francisco International Airport spokesman Michael McCarron said that in-flight births are very unusual. ?In my 20 plus years here, I think I can count on one hand the number of times we?ve had a baby born in-flight,? he told NBC News. ?It?s normally a transoceanic flight, it?s a very long flight, where they can?t divert any place else.?

The mother and newborn were met by an ambulance and a team of paramedics upon landing in San Francisco at 7:27 p.m. and were?transported to Mills Peninsula Medical Center in Burlingame. On Tuesday, both mother and the newborn, Kevin Raymar Francisco Domingo, were doing fine.

Alamillo said she was on her way to Boston to take care of her ailing father. The family had recently received visas allowing them to live in the United States.

More on Overhead Bin

Joy Jernigan is a senior travel editor for Follow her on Twitter.?



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Strauss-Kahn denies violence in sex assault cases (AP)

PARIS ? Dominique Strauss-Kahn broke his silence four months after a New York hotel maid accused him of sexual assault, calling his encounter with the woman a "moral failing" he deeply regrets, but insisting in an interview on French television Sunday that no violence was involved.

Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the International Monetary Fund and a one-time top presidential contender in his native France, also denied using violence against a French writer who claims he tried to rape her in a separate 2003 incident.

Throughout what appeared to be a heavily scripted 20-minute-long interview with French broadcaster TF1, Strauss-Kahn managed to come off as contrite even as the Socialist politician insisted he hadn't forced himself on either of the women.

He said his May 14 sexual encounter with Nafissatou Diallo, an African immigrant who claimed that he attacked her when she entered his room in Manhattan's Sofitel hotel to clean it, "did not involve violence, constraint or aggression."

Still, he acknowledged, it "was a moral failing and I am not proud of it. I regret it infinitely. I have regretted it everyday for the past four months and I think I'm not done regretting it."

It "was not only an inappropriate relationship, but more than that, it was a failing ... a failing vis-a-vis my wife, my children and my friends but also a failing vis-a-vis the French people, who had vested their hopes for change in me."

Strauss-Kahn resigned from the IMF's top job in the wake of the scandal. Though he didn't rule out a future return to politics, the man once widely regarded as the Socialist party's best hope at beating France's incumbent conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy said he needed to take time to think about his future.

Strauss-Kahn, who had a long-standing reputation as a man with a weakness for sex and women, said the Diallo imbroglio had profoundly changed him.

"I've seen the pain that I caused around me and I thought, I thought a lot," he said. "That lightness, I've lost it for good."

The interview was more than an extended mea culpa, though. Strauss-Kahn lashed out both at Diallo and, more broadly, at the U.S. justice system, which by allowing him to be paraded handcuffed before cameras he said had irreparably tarnished his image.

"When you are snatched up by the jaws of that machine, you have the impression that it can crush you," he said. "I felt that I was trampled on, humiliated, even before I had the chance to say a word," he said. Under French law, it's illegal to show suspects in handcuffs.

Strauss-Kahn said that the New York prosecutor ? who dropped all criminal charges against him in the Diallo case last month ? had concluded the maid "lied about everything.

"Not only about her past, that's of no importance, but also about what happened. The (prosecutor's) report says, it's written there, that 'she presented so many different versions of what happened that I can't believe a word,'" he said.

He added he suspected financial motives might have been behind Diallo's accusations. She has filed a lawsuit against him, but Strauss-Kahn insisted Sunday he wouldn't negotiate a settlement.

He also proclaimed his innocence in a separate legal battle pitting him against a young French writer and journalist who alleges he tried to rape her during a 2003 interview for a book she was writing.

The writer, Tristane Banon, has maintained she and Strauss-Kahn ended up tussling on the floor during an interview in an empty apartment, with the politician trying to open her jeans and bra and putting his fingers in her mouth and underwear.

"The version that was presented (by Banon) is an imaginary version, a slanderous version," Strauss-Kahn said, adding that "no act of aggression, no violence" had taken place between the two.

Because a police investigation into the claims is ongoing, Strauss-Kahn declined to say anything more about the matter. If Paris prosecutors decide to pursue the case, Strauss-Kahn could face a possible trial.

Asked whether he had any intention of returning to politics, Strauss-Kahn said he would "take time to reflect" and rest before making any decision.

"But all my life was consecrated to being useful to the public good," he said. "We will see."

During the interview, Strauss-Kahn praised his wife, Anne Sinclair, former TF1 news anchor and wealthy heiress who he called an "exceptional woman."

"I wouldn't have gotten through it without her," he said. "I hurt her, I know, and I'm sorry. But you know that she wouldn't have been there for me, by my side, she wouldn't have supported me in that way if from the very first second she didn't know that I was innocent."

Strauss-Kahn also defended the large sums of money spent on his defense in the Diallo case. In addition to his legal team's fees, Strauss-Kahn was also initially subject to extensive and expensive bond conditions, including security measures estimated at about $200,000 a month, on top of the $50,000-a-month rent on a town house in New York's trendy TriBeCa neighborhood.

While he understood that they could seem shocking, "compared with the daily difficulties that French people face," he felt he had to do everything within his means to stay out of prison in Riker's Island, where he had initially been detained for nearly a week.

A small group of demonstrators gathered outside of TF1's Paris headquarters Sunday to denounce Strauss-Kahn. The protest was called by two feminist groups.

The AP does not name people who report being sexually assaulted unless they agree to be identified or come forward publicly, as Diallo and Banon have done.


Angela Charlton in Paris contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Galaxy Tab 8.9 WiFi shipments arrive at Best Buy, will go on sale this week

See that there? That's a Galaxy Tab 8.9 WiFi, and after months on end of mystery, it seems as if the wait to procure one in the US of A is just about over. Shipments are arriving at Best Buy stores across the nation, and according to our sources, they'll be stocked and ready for purchase starting September 22nd. We're still waiting to hear back on a retail price, but those who'd like to hazard a guess can extrapolate from those UK figures. So, did your Tuesday plans just get made?

Update: Select stores may be ushering them out on the 22nd, while others will be force to wait until the 25th. As for pricing? It's "listed" at $399.99, but we've certainly seen Best Buy placeholders be wrong before.

Update 2: Samsung chimed in with official pricing. The 16GB model will sell for $469, with the 32GB flavor costing $100 more.

Galaxy Tab 8.9 WiFi shipments arrive at Best Buy, will go on sale this week originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 19 Sep 2011 00:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

GOP upset win in NY portends challenge for Obama (AP)

NEW YORK ? It sounded improbable on the surface that a New York City congressional district where Democrats have a 3-1 registration edge and have held office for nearly a century could even come close to electing a Republican to the U.S. House.

But voter frustration over the sour economy and President Barack Obama's policies made the improbable a reality, as a Republican political novice, Bob Turner, scored an upset victory in a special election Tuesday over David Weprin, a Democratic assemblyman from a prominent local political family. The surprising results in the Brooklyn and Queens-area district portend a perilous national environment for Obama as he prepares to seek re-election next year.

Turner said as much when he stepped before cameras to claim victory Tuesday night.

"This message will resound for a full year. It will resound into 2012," said Turner, a retired broadcasting executive. "I only hope our voices are heard, and we can start putting things right again."

Weprin called Turner to concede Wednesday morning. With Turner's win, Republicans now hold 242 seats in the House to 192 for Democrats. There is one vacancy.

Also Tuesday, Republican Mark Amodei won a landslide victory in a U.S. House special election in Nevada, an important presidential swing state.

The national mood has darkened since May, when Democrats scored their own unexpected win in another New York special election. Then, Democrat Kathy Hochul won an upset victory in a heavily Republican district by stressing her commitment to protecting Medicare, the government health plan for seniors.

Weprin tried to adopt that strategy, warning that Turner would try to cut programs like Medicare and Social Security. But with unemployment still stubbornly high and voters upset with Washington over the debt ceiling negotiations and continued bad economic news, the pledge to protect entitlements was less resonant this time.

Democratic leaders tried to do damage control Wednesday, blaming the upset on the quirkiness of low-turnout special elections and the specific demographics of the New York district.

"It's not a bellwether district, it's among the most conservative in New York City. Anyone who tries to extrapolate from this district is making a big mistake," New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer told reporters in a conference call Wednesday. Schumer represented the district for nine terms in the House.

Republicans, for their part, seized on Turner's win as reason to push back on Obama's proposed $447 billion jobs program, which he has been promoting at stops across the country.

"Tonight New Yorkers have delivered a strong warning to the Democrats who control the levers of power in our federal government," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "It's time to scrap the failed `stimulus' agenda."

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus added: "Tonight's election proves yet again that President Obama is failing our country. Not only are the President's policies not working, but his non-stop campaigning is no longer winning over voters."

Weprin, a 56-year-old Orthodox Jew and member of a prominent Queens political family, initially seemed a good fit for the largely white, working-class district, which is nearly 40 percent Jewish.

But voter frustration with Obama put Weprin in the unlikely spot of playing defense.

While Obama won the district by 11 points in 2008 against Republican John McCain, a Siena Poll released Friday found just 43 percent of likely voters approved of the president's job performance, while 54 percent said they disapproved. Among independents, just 29 percent said they approved of Obama's job performance.

Turner, a 70-year-old Catholic, vowed to push back on Obama's policies if elected. He received help from prominent Republicans including former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose much-praised stewardship of the city after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was recalled during the 10th anniversary of the attacks last weekend.

Weprin also became embroiled in New York-centric disputes over Israel and gay marriage, which cost him some support among Jewish voters.

Orthodox Jews, who tend to be conservative on social issues, expressed anger over Weprin's vote in the Assembly to legalize gay marriage. In July, New York became one of six states to recognize same-sex nuptials.

Former Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat, endorsed Turner in July as a way to "send a message" to Obama on his policies toward Israel. And Weprin was challenged on his support of a proposed Islamic center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, in lower Manhattan.

The House seat opened up when Weiner was pushed by party leaders to resign after sending sexually provocative tweets and text messages to women he met online.

The trouble for Weiner, who served seven terms, began when a photo of a man's crotch surfaced on his Twitter feed. He initially denied the photo was of him but later admitted it was.

Weiner, who's married, resigned June 16 after two weeks of fighting off pressure to step aside. He apologized for "the embarrassment that I have caused" and said he hoped to continue to fight for the causes dear to his constituents.


Beth Fouhy can be reached on Twitter at


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Denmark expected to swing left in election (AP)

COPENHAGEN, Denmark ? Danish voters appeared set to elect their first female prime minister Thursday and end 10 years of pro-market reforms and a hardening of immigration laws.

Nearly all polls leading up to the vote have predicted a majority in the 179-seat Parliament for the left-leaning opposition led by Social Democratic leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

Two surveys released Thursday also showed that her "red bloc" would unseat the minority center-right government led by Lars Loekke Rasmussen and stem the influence of its anti-immigration ally, the Danish People's Party.

"Now we have the opportunity to change Denmark and get a new majority. We must grab this opportunity," Thorning-Schmidt, 44, told reporters after voting in Copenhagen.

For the past decade, the government has relied on the backing of the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party, enacting reforms to make Denmark more business friendly and less welcoming to asylum-seekers from developing countries.

In consensus-oriented Denmark, there is broad agreement on having a robust welfare system financed by high taxes, but the government and the opposition differ on the depth of austerity measures needed to keep Denmark's finances intact amid Europe's debt crisis.

Thorning-Schmidt wants to dodge some of the government's welfare cuts and raise taxes on banks and the wealthy. Loekke Rasmussen has ruled out any tax hikes.

"We need sound public finances without raising taxes," Loekke Rasmussen, 47, told reporters after casting his ballot in Graested, north of Copenhagen.

A Megafon poll Thursday gave the opposition 51 percent of votes and a five-seat advantage over the government in Parliament. The gap was 13 seats in a Ramboell survey.

The polls did not include the four seats allocated to the semiautonomous territories of Greenland and the Faeroe Islands. Each poll was based on interviews with about 1,000 people and the error margin ranged between 2.5 and 3.0 percentage points.

The Social Democrats have refused to work with the Danish People's Party, and have teamed up with the working-class Socialist People's Party. They can also count on support of the centrist Social Liberals and the small, left-wing Red-Green Alliance,

Some 300 people lined up early Thursday in northern Copenhagen to vote.

"I will give my vote to the Socialist People's Party, because we need the red bloc to overtake the government bloc," said Jeppe Ilstedt, a 43-year-old unemployed school teacher.

Businessman Bjarke Soerensen, 41, said he preferred Loekke Rasmussen as prime minister because "Helle Thorning-Schmidt is not credible."

The economy has emerged as the top election theme, to the chagrin of the Danish People's Party, which has used its kingmaker role in previous elections to push through immigration laws that are among Europe's toughest.

Loekke Rasmussen has taken credit for steering Denmark through the financial crisis in better shape than many other European countries. However, the rebound has been slower than in neighboring Nordic nations and the government projects budget deficits of 3.8 percent of gross domestic product in 2011 and 4.6 percent in 2012.

Although Denmark isn't part of the debt-ridden eurozone, its currency is pegged to the euro and the country's export-driven economy is affected by shocks from Europe and beyond.

The government's austerity measures include gradually raising the retirement age by two years to 67 by 2020 and trimming benefit periods for early retirement and unemployment. Last month, it presented a new 10.8 billion kroner ($2.1 billion) stimulus package.

Thorning-Schmidt has promised to overhaul a system of beefed-up customs controls at borders with Germany and Sweden, which critics say violates the spirit of EU agreements on the free movement of people and goods.


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